Friday, January 30, 2009

Life moves on.

I find it somehow sad and somehow funny that the last post I wrote was regarding the bad economy.

Anyways, the job hunt is going slow. There honestly isn't much to apply for right now. Freelance work is really pouring in though, so I've been working non-stop and hopefully building a business with two of my friends that will amount to something someday. In theory I can make a really good living doing freelance, it's just scary because it's not as stable / predictable as being employed full-time and it takes a little time to get established.

This week I've been going down to Lakeville with Chris everyday and working at coffee shops with my laptop. It's good because it forces me to get up early and stay focused. I've been getting more work done this way and it's nice because we get to have lunch together and talk on the drive to and from the apartment.

The kittehs are adorable. Pene's new favorite spot is on the back of the couch. She likes it there because the heat from the register funnels up behind it and keeps her nice and toasty. She can also sunbathe and watch birds out the window from that spot. I've also got baby-fever lately. Dave Quamme's little girl Allison is just too cute. She just turned 2 and is very very sweet. Sometimes when we all hang out he brings her with and so she's gotten to the point where she trusts me and likes to jabber on about her favorite show "The Wiggles". Lol....I'm tempted to steal her.

Chris and I have his work Christmas party tomorrow night. It's at a ski resort south of the cities and it should be a good time. His company also just moved buildings on Monday. The new one is only a couple miles from the old one so the drive isn't much different. The building is beautiful. Chris' company Hearth and Home Technologies is owned by a much larger company named HNI. They specialize in a lot of other industries besides fireplaces, so they had a lot of additional resources to contribute to the new building. They had professional space planners and interior decorators working on it. The also got very high-end cubes and chairs through one of HNI's other companies.

So life is good. Not what I expected...but life is rarely what we expect. Last night I told Chris that I'm scared and he told me something to the effect that fear keeps life exciting. And I suppose he's right. Although things are crazy right now I'm probably overall more happy than I was before I got laid off. I'm definitely more satisfied with the type of work I'm doing now. A quote about life comes to mind that I learned back during my days of being LDS.

"I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it."

I don't know where exactly this quote came from only that it's true. The best things in life rarely come easily.