Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ready to Launch.

Since the time I began working at our number one customer and priority has been building a website for Century21 Canada. The company has been working on this project for approximately 18 months and it is our V4 platform. So if you included all of the learning and work that went into versions 1, 2, and 3 this product has been 7 years in the making.

Today is the day it will be launched for the public to view. The last couple of days have been long to say the least. I've literally only slept and worked since Monday. But it's all coming together and it's worth it.

Last night the 3 "top dogs" from Century21 Canada corporate came and we presented the site. The presentation went very well and our product is beautiful. We proudly boast that our product is the best real estate website in the world and I really believe that it is. I've worked so closely on the project for the last 8 months that I forget how spectacular it is. Then when it's compared right along side the competition it's amazing how great it is. When making analogies our boss compares this site to a Ferrari. (We have a lot of car people here.)

And then there was a party afterwards. We drank lots of wine and ate delicious appetizers made by "Mom". (Our Maternal Operations Manager who cooks lunch for us everyday.)

When I joined the team a great deal of the design work had already been done by the other designer here, Gabe. However, I've still been able to make a lot contributions and it's very exciting that this will be viewed by such a large audience. Basically, I was in a group of 5 key engineers, which consisted of 3 programmers and two designers. In addition to the technical work, there was endless discussion and problem solving to ensure that every detail of this product was thought through.

So today is a landmark for our company and probably within the hour they will be "flipping the switch" to make the new site live.

Everyone at work is definitely on a "high" with all of the excitement, but I'm just ready to go home. I haven't seen Chris at all for the last couple of days (he's already been asleep by the time I get home), but tonight we are going to take it easy and watch some "Heroes" and cuddle with some kitties. :)

1 comment:

Laura B. said...

Katie, the site is great. Nice work!