Friday, September 7, 2007

Cocktails for Creatives.

Last night Andi, Chris and I went to a social gathering hosted by the AIGA. For those who don't know, the AIGA is really the association you want to be involved with as a graphic designer. It's great for networking within the design community. They held it at Bellanotte's in downtown Minneapolis, which is a very swanky place. We had $5 martinis and some excellent pizza they provided.

We met the chapter president and other key members. I think all 3 of us are really excited to get involved in the activities they host (such as Design Camp) and possibly do some volunteer work. Most of the evening we spent talking to an interesting gentleman named Neil. He is a photographer. It's interesting to talk to people with different perspectives in our field.

The evening ended when it began to rain pour (we were seated outdoors) and we booked it down to Old Chicago to share some appetizers. A very nice evening and our feet are officially in the door of the design world. :)

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